
Busbar 150A 2P with 20 screws +cover

8.473 kr.

Busbars are used for high current distribution and at the same time they provide connections for batteries and/or DC equipment.rn

We offer a number of busbars with different current ratings, and a different number of connection terminals. Each busbar is fitted out with a removable protection cover.u00a0

Available models:

  • 150A / 70V – 4 high current connections
  • 150A / 70V – 6 high current connections
  • 150A / 70A – 2P with 10 screws +cover
  • 150A / 70A – 2P with 20 screws +cover
  • 250A / 70V – 4 high current connections
  • 250A / 70V – 6 high current connections
  • 250A / 70A – 2P with 6 screws +cover
  • 250A / 70A – 2P with 12 screws +cover
  • 600A / 70V – 4 high current connections and 8 low current connections
  • 600A / 70V – 8 high current connections and 8 low current connectionsu00a0

rnFor more technical information and for the busbar dimensions see the datasheet.u00a0


Vörunúmer: VBB115022020 Flokkur:
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