
Truma Ultrastore BGE 10 Gas/rafmagn vatnshitari

139.500 kr.

Truma Ultrastore Gas & Electric Caravan Water Heater features

  • Capacity: 10 Litres
  • Short water heating times
  • Water temperature range: 30°c to 70°c
  • Stainless steel water tank
  • Powerful 1500w gas heater
  • Economical use of space
  • Low consumption of gas
  • Complete independence whilst on the move
  • Electric Heating Element is switchable between 850 Watts and 1300 Watts.
  • Please note that the reciprocal connector for mains power is not included, and the existing connector must be removed to wire manually. This does not affect the warranty.
  • This heater now comes with John Guest fittings.
Vörunúmer: 76310-01 Flokkur:
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