
Skylla-IP65 24/35(1+1) 120-240V

177.195 kr.

A powerful, waterproof and intelligent battery charger with a 7-stage adaptive charge algorithm, suitable for a wide range of battery types and chemistries featuring a dedicated Lithium-ion charge algorithm.

The wide range universal input voltage adds flexibility to the installation, the charger will maintain its full output power no matter where it is located in the world.

The IP65 rating makes this charger especially suitable for marine, mobile, and industrial applications and it can withstand the rigors of an adverse environment: heat, humidity and salt air.

Both models are available in two versions:

  • 3 full rated outputs
  • 1 full rated output together with an isolated 3A trickle charge output for a starter battery



Vörunúmer: SKY024035000 Flokkur:
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