
12V vatnsdæla 20L

33.063 kr.

Powerful high-pressure pressure pump and a built-in pressure switch that starts automatically when the tap is opened.

  • High capacity
  • Low power consumption
  • Affordable

Comes with filter and two hose connections. Adapted to Sunwind pipe system.



Here you will find detailed information:
Cap (l / min): 20 l
Maximum lifting height Self-priming 1.5 meters
Dimensions (W x D x H): 222 x 132 x 146 cm
Pump type: Membrane
Power consumption: 8 amp
Suction / lifting height: Suction 2.5 / push 30 m
Suction height w / non-return valve 3 meters when priming
Connection: 1/2 “
Water pressure: 4.2 bar
Weight (kg): 2.4 kg
Dimensions of packaging:
Length: 16 cm
Width: 28 cm
Height: 14 cm
Weight: 3 kg
Vörunúmer: 551236 Flokkur:
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