
BlueSolar PWM-Light Charge Controller 12/24V-30A

11.257 kr.

BlueSolar PWM-Pro rn
The BlueSolar PWM-Pro series is ready for use with its default settings. It also is fully programmable. 
u2022tLighting control function, fully programmable. 
u2022tThree stage battery charging (bulk, absorption, float), fully programmable.
u2022tIntegrated battery monitor function (Remote Panel needed to display state of charge).
u2022tLoad output with low voltage disconnect and manual control (default setting).
u2022tOptional external temperature sensor.
u2022tLoad output protected against over load and short circuit.
u2022tProtected against reverse polarity connection of the solar panels and/or battery.
u2022tDay/night timing options: see manual Remote Panel for details.  

BlueSolar PWM-Lightrn
u2022tLoad output with low battery voltage disconnect function.
u2022tLighting control function, one timer only. 
u2022tTwo digit seven segment display for quick and easy setting of the load output functionality, including timer setting. 
u2022tThree stage battery charging (bulk, absorption, float), not programmable.
u2022tLoad output protected against over load and short circuit.
u2022tProtected against reverse polarity connection of the solar array and/or battery.
u2022tDay/night timing options: see manual for details 



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