
Energy Meter EM24 – 3 phase – max 65A/phase Ethernet

57.433 kr.

Energy Meters are typically used in an Energy Storage System,u00a0to measure theu00a0power and energy of the whole application at the distribution box. Also they can be used to measure the output of a PV Inverter, to display the data on GX device such as the Cerbo GX and the VRM Portal.

There are several models:

  • ET112 (for single phase max. 100A)
  • ET340 (for three phase max. 65A)
  • EM24 is for 3 phase monitoring only, and there is a model with RS485 as well as one with ethernet available.

For more information, please see the selection guide PDF below.



Vörunúmer: REL200200100 Flokkur:
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