
Inverter RS 48/6000 230V Smart Solar

429.274 kr.

The Inverter RS Smart Solar is a combination of a powerful 48VDC, 6kVA 230VAC inverter and a high voltage, 80-450VDC, 4kW MPPT solar charger. Thanks to its modern design and high frequency technology the inverter only weighs 11kg and has an excellent efficiency, low standby power, and very quiet operation.u00a0

The inverter is equipped with a display to read out battery, inverter, and solar charger details. These parameters can also be read out via Bluetooth by the VictronConnect app.u00a0In addition to this, the inverter has a VE.Can Port for connection to a GX device for system monitoring; and VE.Direct port for connection to a GlobalLink 520.



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