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Lynx Smart BMS 500 (M8)

203.806 kr.

Bæklingur frá Victron

The Lynx Smart BMS is a dedicated Battery Management System for Victron Lithium Smart Batteries. There are multiple BMS-es available for our Smart Lithium series of batteries, and the Lynx Smart is the most feature rich and complete option. Its main features are:

  • Built-in 500A contactor used as a fallback safety mechanism and also suitable as a remote controllable main system switch.
  • Battery monitor, indicating state of charge percentage and more data.
  • Pre-alarm signal: provide a warning before the system shuts down due to -for example- a low cell.
  • Bluetooth for use with our VictronConnect App, for setup and monitoring.
  • Local and remote monitoring using a Victron GX device, for example the Cerbo GX.

The Lynx Smart BMS is part of the modular Lynx Distribution system.

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