
VE.Can resistive tank sender adapter

87.737 kr.

The VE.Can resistive tank sender adapter allows a standard resistive tank level sender to connect to the Color Control GX. It is compatible with both European standard 0-180 Ohm and United States standard 240-30 Ohm tank level senders and is accurate to u00b11%. It is easily configurable to resistive senders from fuel, fresh water, waste water, well water, oil and black water (sewage) tanks. It supports up to 16 tanks of each type. The unit is a simple setup with two small rotary switches and it gets its power from the VE.Can network.

When you use a Skylla-i or a MPPT with CAN bus in the system, the power to the CAN bus will be supplied by either one of them. When the CAN bus is not powered by a Skylla-I or a MPPT, you will need the new VE.Can Power Cable to supply the power.rn 


    Vörunúmer: BPP900600100 Flokkur:
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